Saturday, November 12, 2011

An Uptown Waltz in Harlem.

A while back I gave opinion about culture in the sense of a society's mentality (Oh gracious reader...)

This time round I intend to do the same, but rather than culture as a society's mentality I wish to speak about culture in much more aesthetic terms; from a perspective of art in different media.

I shall summarize the entirety of this reflection with a simple question about "classical art" - that is to say the high-profile art from the Renaissance era which is regurgitated unto classroom desks around the world as well Shakespearean quotations used as appropriately and nonchalantly as a 1980's Boombox in a library for the blind.  

And this question is, "So fucking what?"  By the eloquently chosen phrase "So fucking what?" I mean to say, "Why should these so-called classics be given any higher value than any other piece of art, irrespective of whether one is an enthusiast of the genre or not?"  In higher detail I mean to say;

"Many people from around the world consider 'classical' art to be of a higher aesthetic value for no other reason than that of being 'classical'.  This arbitrary reason to evaluate art in such a manner is nonsensical.  I appreciate that some people genuinely enjoy these samples of art, and for them I hold no criticism, but masses of people just mindlessly acknowledge these classics as being wondrous.  What's so special about Shakespeare, Bach, Mozart, Michelangelo, Leonardo de Vinci, Chopin etc. if one simply does not like their style?  Absolutely and utterly nothing.  One may hold up a feeble opposition and say "but they are the origins of bla bla bla without whom bla bla bla...." to whom I reply with a few words about The Past and why it's not important.

What kind of art we enjoy is up to us and not the preferences of audiences from ages ago.  If one enjoys these classics, all's well and good, if one does not, all's well and good anyway.  Even the fact that these samples of art are labelled as 'classic' shows how a society prefers them from the rest, despite the fact that a vast majority of the members of that society do not."

But in short I just ask "So fucking what?"

I am not trying to say I myself don't enjoy all the works of art mentioned above.  The names mentioned were simply examples.  I have my own opinion on Art.

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