Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Fate of the Mind.

Previously my top three Most Idiotic Ideas Ever Conceived consisted of luck, a theistic god and fate.

However over the course of the past week or two I've realised that I placed fate in the wrong list. It should be in the Top Ten Most Misunderstood Concepts of All Time.

You see, uncanny as it is to believe, I've come to realise that the whole concept of fate is actually based on some archaic form of psychology.

Allow me to elaborate; if one person had to suppress certain emotions one has time will very often bring these suppressed emotions to the surface.

An example; if say two friends are only friends to spare a third party's feelings they will eventually fight. They may become friends after the fight but the point still remains that these suppressed feelings had to surface themselves. Hence the conflict between the two was "meant to be" as they say in fate-orientated blabber.

Or alternatively; two friends suppress feeling of deeper affection for each other than they care to show. Eventually things will play out and these feelings will become known. Likewise the relationship which ensues was also "meant to be".

Now of course I'm cynical, proof-hungry and skeptic so I'm not going to make a claim without backing it up with some evidence.

And here it is: It is psychological fact that the human mind continues to develop all throughout a person's life. This happens because of changes in one's environment including school, work, friends, relationships, even one's own body (and I don't just means hormones- sickness can also change one's outlook on life).

Now couple with that fact this fact: Emotions- of both want and rejection- are triggered by situations one wants to add to or remove from one's life. This can go from the simplest things (such as wanting a chocolate) to the most life shattering things (like wanting a divorce) Both a chocolate snack and a divorce are different situations in one's life- and when one wants them one (obviously) experiences a want for them (likewise one could reject them). The point I'm trying to bring out here is that want and rejection are NOT related to particular objects but to the situations those objects bring with them.

And finally add this little theory (NOT fact); One's own mind knows how it needs to develop.

And we're left with this psycho-philosophical offspring;

When one's mind needs to develop in a particular way it will begin wanting to create a situation which would result in that necessary development.

And so one can see how when one suppresses feelings those feeling will most likely surface anyway; those feelings exist because the mind senses the situation which in needs to develop and so the mind will continue to persist for that situation to become reality so it can develop properly.

Of course- this is the "scientific" reasoning behind the basis of fate. The fate of horoscopes etc. is all just taking everything too far- once we're no longer talking about psychology- none of the above reasoning applies.

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